Friday, February 12, 2010

My thoughts on the Anniversary of the Fire Bombing in Dresden

I have never been so sickened reading Woodfins finest war hawk description of the controversial bombing of Dresden in the AC-T this morning. Dresden was the Florence of Germany- an old cultural capitol, full of art treasures and architectural masterpieces that the bombing left untouched throughout the war. So the city was full of refuges and practically undefended when the British attacked on February 13, 1945. The Stated intent behind the attack was to stop German troop transport, this could have been accomplished if they destroyed the railway bridge over the Elbe. But in the end, the bridge remained intact. In fact, it was not even cited as a target.

The other stated purpose was to " show the Russians what the Bomber command can accomplish" They succeeded in this. The temperature rose to above 1800 degrees. In the cities largest Hospital 45 expectant mothers had been killed. The precise number killed is impossible to settle since so many bodies couldn't be identified or separated because they turned to semi-liquid then to dust. Out of this violence, both that which is dormant and has already been committed, the century dreams of genocide emerge. And we create a life that must always be limited to a few.

Jason Treadway

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